DR. SUDHIR's CLASSES (An Institute for Civil Services Exam), is a Premier institution established with an aim to equip aspirants to grow up to be extraordinary Civil Servants. It is committed to their overall personality development, with the inculcation of the right approach and critical thinking ability. The innovative classroom and online programs are strategically designed to meet the ever increasing demands of the competitive examinations. We believe in imbibing the right value system to help them grow as extraordinary citizens of India.
Dr. SUDHIR’s CLASSES (An Institute for Civil Services Exam) is known for its unique approach in imparting knowledge through various courses on General Studies, Anthropology, Essay, Test Series for Prelims and Main exams etc.
At Dr SUDHIR’s CLASSES (An Institute for Civil Services Exam), our programs follow an Integrated Strategy consisting of several distinct methods — Regular classroom learning, innovatively designed study material, self-study, self-evaluation, frequent class tests, repeated revisions, daily answer writing, motivational sessions, regular meeting with the selected candidates, one to one feedback and continuous and all-round performance appraisal.